I seem to spend most of my time apologising for my absence on here - I spend quite a lot of time blog hopping & not an awful lot of time making things - occasionally I have to force myself to turn off the computer and actually make some cards! & then I realise how many more talented people there are out there than me & can't think of a thing to do.
Having said this though, I did make 3 cards recently for a fall card swap with my SBS12 sisters, but I won't post those until I know they've got them - all I'll say is that I was really pleased with the results, even if I did leave it until the last minute and put myself under loads of pressure to get it done.
The one card I can post is for the October friendship card swap on Docrafts - as you will see the theme was halloween, and I didn't think I had that much stuff for halloween (other than a CBug folder with a spiders web that I bought at Exeter last month). But then I got out my paper dolls Cricut cartridge and cut out most of the Frankenstein stuff - I really do not use my cricut enough, there is such wonderful stuff on there! It still took me ages to put the card together as I really wasn't sure how to arrange everything. In the end I used some of the bits on the inside & thought it would make a nice surprise when the recipient opens it. I also remembered one stamp I bought many years ago (probably 15 if I'm honest) and have never used on a card, it seemed to fit perfectly as a border at the bottom, especially with the white embossing powder, it really pops off the page.
Anyway hope you like - I'm off to try and get some more inspiration from Create and Craft who've got a whole weekend of craft - have already got a few ideas for some unusual cards.
Bye for now