I hate making mens cards - they don't think the same things as us and they most certainly do not like the kind of cute images and pastel colours us girlies like. Not that I am particularly girly, but I love flowers and ribbon and sparkly bits on my cards and I have a liking for magnolia and Whiff of Joy images (just got their new stamp kit - its gorgeous!). Anyway, men don't appreciate these things and so I have a real problem making them cards.
Well.... work, who know I make cards, suggested that I make cards for two upcoming birthdays, both men! I made the first (copied from a design in a magazine, but only after an entire weekend trying to work out what to do). The second is more difficult - he's a lovely bloke and I know he's into walking, this rather limits the choice on rubber stamps, there just don't seem to be any for walkers. Anyway, I went into my local craft shop yesterday and asked for some advice (Totally Crafty is the shop), and the lovely girl in there suggested making a walking boot - two sides with a box in between so that it stands on its own and you can put tags in the box for people to write on. I did try downloading a template, but they were all too small and designed either for english A6 size or standard 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 american size.
In the end I looked at my husbands walking boots and did a rough sketch of that onto an A4 piece of paper, then made two card templates and stuck these to brown bazzill card, cut out and then added the detail to the base with additional card in black and grey.
It's taken me all weekend to complete, but I'm really chuffed with the result, it'e even got a shoe box to go in, now I just have to hope he likes it.