Well, as promised - I'm back again! woo hoo!!!
And I have something fab to show you (even if I do say so myself). The challenge was to create a 3D item - well as I spent an absolute fortune at the Exeter Westpoint show recently, which included some 3D Sizzix Bigz dies, I thought I would use one of those. I also had promised a friend of mine that I would make her a 3D ball to put some photos of her daughter onto, so it seemed a great idea to combine the two....
And now to blow the trumpet for customer care at Elzybells - I recently made a purchase of several stamps, including a Christmas set to help with the Christmas card rush. Well, when the stamps arrived I had been sent the fairytale ending set instead of the Christmas one I ordered. Well, I emailed Elzybells at 5.55 p.m. when I got home from work and found the mistake, within 10 minutes I had a reply saying that the correct set would be in the post and to keep the incorrect one by way of an apology. Well, I didn't expect to receive the correct set the next day as I had not contacted Elzybells during working hours & most post has been collected by 6 p.m. but when I arrived home the next day, sure enough the new stamps were there!!!! THANK YOU ELZYBELLS 20/10 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE!
Anyway, I just had to make use of the free stamp set I had and thought I would combine it with the challenge and a gift for my friend - the blank spaces are so that she can add photos of her little princess. The 3D ball collapses and can be encased in a card which makes it an ideal gift - in fact so much so that she's asked me to make 5 more for her as Christmas presents for her family!
Hope you like and I'll be back again tomorrow - have so many cards to catch up on, I could be here quite regularly for a very long time.