Saturday, 14 November 2015

When can I move in?

Okay so following on from the success of my halloween house, I have moved on to Christmas and wanted to create an elegant Christmas house for your mantel or table.

I used the Country Cottage template again, and you might recognise a whole load of other Crafters companion dies (I'll list them all at the bottom).  The house was made using Kraft card, which I stamped onto with snowflakes in a white ink (doesn't show very well but does add something to the finished effect), I also used the ink pad to swipe over all the edges of the house.  The door and window are backed with acetate, and what you cannot see is there is a door in the back of the house so that you can put battery powered tea lights, or a string of lights into the house (looks gorgeous with a string of battery powered lights inside - I got a string of 20 from Wilkos for £2.50).

What you can't see from the photos is that I glittered the edge of all the roof slats, the cotton wool has been sprayed with spray & sparkle irridescent, and the acetate icicles have also been sprayed with spray & sparkle - there is lots of sparkle to this house!

dies used:

Die'sire Santa & Sleigh (sorry no link as I cannot see it on the website)
Die'sire Lamppost and sign (again no link as I cannot see it available at the moment)
Snowman & snowdog dies from the Crafters Inspiration Magazine No. 5

Hope this provides you with some inspiration to create your own festive centrepieces.

