Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Well, here we go again, January 1st, the brand new year is upon us - have you made any resolutions?  How long do you think you can stick to them?   Seriously, I really think we set ourselves up to fail when we talk about New Years resolutions, so this year, I'm not making any resolutions.

2016 was, like every other year, good in parts and bad in parts, but then that's why the song says 'life is like a rollercoaster', and they really weren't wrong!

I am so lucky being part of the Crafters Companion Design Team that I have had the opportunity to play with so many of their incredible new products during the year, and I hope they will let me carry on doing it for another year (pretty please!).  I did not get to work on the launches for Sara's signature ranges, however, I did spend some of my hard earned cash on them because they were soooo gorgeous!

So for the first card of the New Year - drum roll..... I thought I'd show you a really quick card, that you can make in batch to get ahead for next Christmas - if you have the Merry Christmas die, I would have put a link to it but it's not in stock at the moment.  

The background was created using watercolour card and some of the sparkle pens, I used a red, gold and green for this one, smooching the pens onto acetate, spraying with some water and then putting the card over the top to pick up the colour.  The wonderful thing about this is you can make it different every time, so even though the card is the same, it isn't, if you see what I mean.  

I cut the words out of some mirri card, mounted the background onto some red card and then onto a 6x6 card, stuck the wording to the background using tacky glue (had I really thought about it I would have used the stick it sheets to make life easier - hindsights a marvellous thing!).  Some dimensional dots finished it off, but you could use sequins or gems, whatever you have to hand.

Love this card & will definitely be making these for next Christmas - sorry, but us crafters have to get ahead!

Anyway, I hope you all have a peaceful day and the rest of the year brings you everything you hoped for.

