Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Fab ‘n’ Funky Challenge #482 - Anything but a card

Well, it’s been ages since I last posted on my blog, in fact, it was just about when the lockdown first started!  That seems like an absolute lifetime ago now.  So much has happened and yet I’ve not been anywhere (and pretty much neither has anyone else).

Anyway, life goes on, albeit restricted, and it’s now time for another Fab ‘n’ Funky Challenge, this week its “anything but a card”, I really had to think about this and then suddenly realised (doh!) that I had been making masks recently and so I have used this as my entry this week.  It was quite lovely to return to one of my older crafts, I haven’t done much by way of sewing in recent years as card making has rather taken over, but its amazing how quickly these things come flooding back to you!

I found several very useful tutorials on YouTube and settled on one that seemed to work for me - nearly had to change my mind as I couldn’t find my elastic initially, it was hiding in plain sight!  I managed to get 4 masks from one fat quarter and will definitely be making more of these for trips to the supermarket.

They’re not perfect (always my own worst critic!) but with a pocket for a filter, I think they will definitely be useful.

Anyway, hope you can join us this week and I look forward to seeing all your makes.

