Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Fab ‘n’ Funky #488 - Sunshine Colours

Hi all, feels like forever since I found time to blog - probably not so much found the time, I have plenty of that in this post (almost) Covid world, more I am having so much trouble keeping my grip on this new reality that blogging has taken a bit of a back seat.

Well, as I have a tenuous grip at the moment, I thought I’d make the most of it and get a post up quick!  This week at Fab ‘n’ Funky, the challenge is sunshine colours, Red, Orange, Yellow and this played to my love of getting inky and playing with my favourite Spectrum Noir, Harmony Water Reactive inks, I thought I’d also combine it with my love of fairies as well!

I hope you love this card as much as I enjoyed making it, definitely sunny colours and designed to make you smile!

Hope you’re all also smiling and staying safe!

