Monday, 30 December 2013

Yay! Go Me!!!!

Two days in a row, not only that I've actually made two cards today - well, one and a half really as the bebunni one I started yesterday.

Now, before you view this first one, I would like you to get up and go find your sunglasses, I apologise it is a bit bright!  I've had this image coloured and ready to go for a while now, it was even cut out and mounted ready to use one of the Saturday Sketch challenges (think it was no. 271) but I'd never got around to doing anything with it (story of my life!).  Anyway, as I was having a bit of a tidy up and realised that I have millions of images all coloured and ready to turn into cards, I thought I'd better make a start somewhere, and this was it - with such a brightly coloured image, it kind of needed to have something a bit more psychedelic in the background, so here is what I came up with. The stamp for anyone who's interested is from Susanna Loves Stamps from the Oddly Sweet Curiosities range, which you can buy from Quixotic Paperie (hope the link works, she's closed until 7th Jan).

My second card is the one started yesterday, just had to put the finishing touches to it today, it is one of the Bebunni stamps from Crafters C. coloured with my new spectrum noirs, I've even used one of the new dies to do the frame and cut out the image, these images are really big - I did consider doing this as an 8x8 card but thought if I kept the card fairly simple it would work.

Boy am I having a good day, done some sorting out, tidying up AND made two cards!!!, right I'm off for a lie down in a darkened room before I make a start on tomorrows stuff - loving having the time off to do all of this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow look at you go. Two fab cards Rachel, glad you are enjoying your few days off. Happy New Year. Love Alison xx