Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sorry, not been well

Well, I had fully intended to put some posts online last week, really I did.  But Tuesday night I started to feel really unwell and so took to my bed for a bit, and it's taken me a while to feel back to my normal self (and remember to come online & blog).

Anyway, this next card was one from my mammoth crafting session last Saturday, and is another CD make, this time from Barkley Everyday, the photo doesn't show it particularly well but the decoupage is really quite deep, everything was from the CD except the sentiment, which is a Lili of the Valley stamp.

I had another brilliant crafting session yesterday and was joined by my best bud Alison it was her 39th Wedding anniversary yesterday - you get less for murder!  Anyway we had a great time, put the world to rights and made a few cards in the process.  I made her spend more money (no gun involved) as Pink Petticoat are having a sale at the moment and all of their collections (well most of them) are available for just £1 - I managed to spend £19 there the other day, but I now have some wonderful papers to print out.

It was pink petticoat items I was working with yesterday, and I think I might just save the cards I made and do a special Valentines day post so you can see what I was up to - more clean and simple than my normal cards, but really beautiful none the less.

Anyway, can't sit here all day - more cards to make!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Rachel, glad you enjoyed our play day, see you soon. Love Ali xx