Sunday, 12 January 2014

Loads of lovely colouring fun!

Well, I managed to get the cleaning done yesterday and Alison came over as planned, and instead of actually making cards, we sat down with our Prismacolour pencils and did some good old fashioned colouring in!  It's not just for kids you know & it kept us quiet for a good few hours - such therapy, it was absolutely fab & always great to get together with my best bud Alison, bouncing ideas around.

We also watched the european launch of the Brother Scan n Cut on Create and Craft - it's a very expensive bit of kit - not essential if you have good dexterity and a pair of sharp scissors, but I can see it being really useful AND I WANT ONE!!!!!!

Anyway, here's what I coloured yesterday & I'm hoping to turn into cards today so that I can post them over the next week or so (going to have a go at scheduling posts).

Well, TTFN


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel, thank you for a great afternoon, loved having a colouring session not a lot of chat was going on. Fantastic images and colouring. Can't wait to see them made into cards. Love Alison xxxxxx