Anyway, now I've got that sorted out I can also finally get back to card making a bit more....

As said on my previous post, I recently received some PIF candy, the first lot from Tracy is going to be quite a challenge as it's not things I would normally use, but I like this sort of challenge, moves you out of your comfort zone, which I need every once in a while! She sent me some wood embellishments, which have a hole in the top, so you can use them as tags - she also sent me some wooden sea creature shapes, which I was going to use on this card, but decided to use them as my inspiration & use one of the wooden tags, which I painted with an acrylic metallic paint by adirondack and then stamped over the top with a freebie stamp from a magazine, I then highlighted some of the lines with silver pen & used more acrylic paint to highlight areas of the design. I then mounted this onto silver holographic card (oh brad through hole). I covered the card in K&Company paper from the 6x6 K.Ology Addison collection. I cut a window in the card so that the fish could actually be mounted on the back of the card as it's quite heavy, used a sticker border round the window (slipped with the knife so needed to cover my mistake), and then added three gems as it seemed to need something more. Totally different for me, but I kinda like it!

The next card is courtesy of my other PIF candy, which Wendy very kindly sent me, which included this wonderful stamped image, which I coloured with watercolour pencils, I love these penny black hedgehogs! She also sent me the beautiful butterfly in the corner & the fab orange background paper - I'm really happy with the way this card turned out. Although I have to say I HATE RUB ONS!! It must be just me but every set I've ever had doesn't just rub on like they are supposed to - it took me ages to get this to work & nearly ruined the card in the process - and before you ask no I didn't buy the rub ons, they were a free "mystery prize" in a draw at a local craft shop (perhaps they knew they were duff?). Anyway it worked in the end & this is another card I really like.
I would like to say A HUGE THANK YOU to all my crafting buddies who have left me messages of support over the past few months while I've been going through the mill, it's truly wonderful to know you are all out there & I hope I can be there for you whenever you need it too.