Well, the past few days have not been great for me, I applied for 4 jobs on Monday, one yesterday and another two today, and whilst I know I've got three months to get a new job, I can't help feeling a little bit desperate and thinking no one will have me (stupid I know, but it's difficult when you spend all day not talking to another human being).
Anyway, I'm trying hard to pull myself out of it, and today has been slightly better, the jobs I've applied for seem really quite good & I'd be really happy to get either of them. I've also finally got back to some crafting. I tried out the candle decorating technique from Split Coast Stampers as a present for MIL for mothers day & also made a box to put it in - decorated with flowers cut on the cricut. I've also finished the card keeper, which I just decided to put titling on the front - says 'card keeper' (not very imaginative, but it does look good!).
DH has started his bus driver training, and took the bus out for the first time today!!! (says it was like doing a ride at Disney, you sit there thinking this is a bad idea, then it starts and you still think its a bad idea, but when you get off you want to go again!!) Anyway, if you are out and about in Plymouth over the next week or so and see a Learner First bus, go easy on it - it may be my other half.
Have to say thanks to everyone for your kind words recently, it really helps.