Wednesday, 12 March 2014

YAY!!!!!!! Happiest Dance Time

Well, as you know I posted at the weekend that I had some good news on Friday, but did not say what it was, that was because I couldn't at the time.

A while back Crafters Companion (you all know how I love Crafters Companion) had a Design Team call, well I decided to enter, and unlike last year where I just threw a few cards at them and left it at that (needless to say I did not get in), this year I did it properly.  I sat down and seriously thought about what were my bestest cards and projects that would let them know I meant business.  I emailed my entry, got Leann's name wrong, and then set about trying to convince myself that it was completely hopeless and there are masses more talented people than me out there (there are!).  The original date set for hearing from them was 28th February and as that came and went I gave up hope - then there was a post from Sharon (Callis, get me, first name terms!) to say that because there were so many entries, they were still considering them & had not made any decisions.

Then, last Friday, Sharon posted on Facebook that the winners would be emailed after 6 p.m. that day! When I got home from work, I set about my usual routine of cooking tea and trying again not to hold out much hope, that way I couldn't be too disappointed when it didn't happen.  Well at about 7 p.m. my email pinged on my Ipad and I could not believe what I was seeing, the header said 'CONGRATULATIONS'!!!!! I made it in!!!!! Needless to say I blubbed like a baby for about 10 minutes (this has been a dream of mine for a long time!).  Since then I have gone through a whole host of emotions from elation to sickness in the pit of my stomach thinking that I really am not good enough and they will find me out soon.

Anyway, here I am, one of the newest members of the most amazing Design Team in the World!

I did make a card in the middle of all of this, and yes, it is using Crafters Companion products (but then you expect nothing less of me!), it's from the Bebunni range using both the CD for the background and stamp for the main image, together with some (too many probably) dies for good measure.

Anyway, hope you like - I really should go and get ready for the day job!



1 comment:

sandy's crafty bits said...

wow well done you ... how super ... look forward to seeing all your marvellous creations ... happy crafting and love sandy xx